Beware of A Voice for Men: Dangerous. Psychotic. Cultish.
(too old to reply)
Fathers for Men's Rights Too
2017-04-03 20:10:36 UTC
Paul Elam:

Paul Elam is a drug dealer and a pervert who used to operate out of
counseling offices and the street. After a while of this, this vicious
mindfucker molested a vulnerable young male patient who killed himself
over the abuse.

Finding himself without a career and desperately looking for a way to
deflect blame onto someone else this dangerous predator discovered the
blame "feminists" excuse and invaded the men's movement. This
salivating B-movie cannibal aficionado created a neurotic centrist
position out of feminism's "controlling men" stereotype and men with

After surrounding himself by every semi-talented deadbeat and autistic
patient that he could find or take advantage of, who would tolerate his
controlling personality and little general act this faggot created a
webring of blogs and websites. He found one formula that seemed to work
for him and he called it A Voice for Men.

It is a tongue in cheek satire site on feminism that - between the lines
- actually begs for a renewed partnership with feminists. It is staffed
and run mainly by inane autistics who have been ego stroked into
believing themselves to be educated elites but who are capable of little
more than trolling and labeling through a confused worldview which
incompetently labels according to the useless fuzzy language of the
"left" vs. "right" paradigm. It is a voice for idiocy. It has 0
meaning to the men's movement - though, it fools a few unwary seekers.
Paul Elam is interested only in people's money and sex with young men.
He is an unlicensed professional, a charlatan and an unconvicted sexual

Peter Wright:

"Paul rightly gets most of the bashing for AV4M, but one of the psychos
from the Elam Cabal who should be held a lot more to the light is his
pooch who heads the MGTOW.

Wright is a disturbed and dangerous lone wolf who patterned MGTOW to
groom alienated young men toward a woman hating Jeffrey Dahmer
personality profile. He uses feminist memes to build psychological
triggers into them so that they will feel worthless, dangerous and
dependent on his mentoring and control. Like most of Team Paul he
enjoys sick and sadistic emotional manipulation in his personal life to
get what he wants.

No doubt, Peter makes up part of the long roster of marginally licensed
psychiatry quacks who will become referrals if Ear for Men ever gets two
customers in the same time slot - if any.

That is a nightmarish scenario for men's healthcare. These are petty
selfish whiny deadbeat liberal males who are only interested in
exploiting the damage that the misguided women's movement has inflicted
on men, through guilt, shame and being tied with the feminists at the
top. They have done whatever they could to scare off men from
ideological light, but as time has gone by their real agenda has become
clear: Their murky angst against "gender feminism" is disingenuously
aimed at replacing it with clinical feminism.

No more social engineering through policy battles. Men (and boys) are
all now to be brainwashed and drugged by elites into becoming obedient
selfless "patriarchs" who don't hit and who don't talk back to women.
What a prize to hand over to a fem-dom paradise."

A more insidious problem is that these shyster professionals have a long
track record as a honeypot for exes, lawyers, social agencies, coworkers
or family who they trace, contact and share anything damaging.

We in the fathers' movement are not fooled by this type of counterfeit
message or cult personality following. We reject and condemn Paul Elam
and his brand of shock journalism that cheapens and sells out the
message of equal rights for men.

We can only hope that the confused broken men that he has lured inside
of his sick web will see this loser for the dopey little butt-fuck that
he is and abandon him to his fate before they're the next victims that
he throws under the bus. When all of his actions finally catch up with
him he will probably want to take others with him. He is a cult leader,
not a civil rights leader. He only cares about satisfying his own urges
and privately laughs at "the sheep" that he uses.

Some known aliases used by Paul Elam and his ring of molesting freaks:

Tom Golden
David King
Jason Thompson
Giant Attitude
Gregory Hall
John Doe
Lorraine Mewha
Marcus Aurelius
Noah Murphy
Paul Elam
Peter Wright
Ray Piszt
Stacy Alexander
the wharf rat
Zed the Zen Priest

Marcus Aurelius
2017-04-05 16:37:00 UTC
2017-04-09 16:04:52 UTC
Post by Marcus Aurelius
fake flooding from drug dealer scum posting junk messages to hide
behind traffic they steal your credit card numbers too its from peter j
ross greg hall and alt usenet kooks some of aliases are checkmate kensi
nadegda report identity thieves and pirates to fbi . i win
