(too old to reply)
2008-01-30 17:14:11 UTC
The media in Florida is full this morning with reports of the arrest of
false allegations, self proclaimed "foremost expert" Dean Tong for spouse
abuse This is not the first arrest for Tong. It has become something of a
wildfire amongst feminists.

In my opinion Tong deserves what he gets. Feminists expect men to rush to
Dean's side. Not a wise move guys. Dean has a nasty history we don't need to

Me? Tong has been a big helper to David Moore my stalker so that Tong could
be the big go-to guy on false allegations, so I admit to some enjoyment that
Dean is in the soup. He put himself there. He has spent years badmouthing me
and everyone else he considered a threat to his lofty status. So, pardon me
if I shed no tears for Tong. Tong as previously plea bargained away past
charges. Given the media attention to this case, that's not likely to happen
again. Tong believe past charges have been "expunged." Well plea charges are
"sort of" expunged. He's going to learn they never really disappear.

There are those who will blindly support a man against a woman. Just like
there are feminists who support a woman against a man blindly. I hope men's
activists are smarter than that.
2014-06-25 14:43:24 UTC
More Pangborn (or is it Pangdead?) F I C T I O N and F L U F F -

Family Rights Expert Avoids Trial

The Tampa Tribune

Published: July 15, 2008

TAMPA - An expert on family rights who works as a consultant in
domestic-violence cases will not be prosecuted regarding allegations
he shoved his estranged wife.

The Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office decided Friday not to
prosecute Dean Tong, 51, on charges of felony witness tampering and
misdemeanor domestic violence, public records show.

Prosecutors' records show the victim, Lily Marie Goodsell Tong, would
not cooperate.

Dean Tong said in a phone interview Monday that Lily Tong, who is his
estranged wife, falsely accused him of throwing her into a door in
January, causing bruises to her arm and leg.

He said he was "ecstatic" not to be prosecuted but had hoped to go to
trial to clear his name.

"The weight of the evidence was always on my side," Tong said. "It's
unfortunate the law and the system can be wielded as a weapon."

An attempt to contact Lily Tong on Monday was unsuccessful.

Dean Tong said that about a month before his January arrest he made a
settlement offer to his wife regarding a divorce, which she declined.

Online court records show Lily Tong filed for divorce in March. The
outcome of the divorce is pending.

Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Expert
604 Brentwood Place
Brandon, FL 33511

813.657.4930, Office/Fax
813.417.5362, Mobile

Contributing Writer to newswithviews.com
and groundreport.com
Post by krp
The media in Florida is full this morning with reports of the arrest of
false allegations, self proclaimed "foremost expert" Dean Tong for spouse
abuse This is not the first arrest for Tong. It has become something of a
wildfire amongst feminists.
In my opinion Tong deserves what he gets. Feminists expect men to rush to
Dean's side. Not a wise move guys. Dean has a nasty history we don't need to
Me? Tong has been a big helper to David Moore my stalker so that Tong could
be the big go-to guy on false allegations, so I admit to some enjoyment that
Dean is in the soup. He put himself there. He has spent years badmouthing me
and everyone else he considered a threat to his lofty status. So, pardon me
if I shed no tears for Tong. Tong as previously plea bargained away past
charges. Given the media attention to this case, that's not likely to happen
again. Tong believe past charges have been "expunged." Well plea charges are
"sort of" expunged. He's going to learn they never really disappear.
There are those who will blindly support a man against a woman. Just like
there are feminists who support a woman against a man blindly. I hope men's
activists are smarter than that.
2014-06-25 18:05:49 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
More Pangborn (or is it Pangdead?) F I C T I O N and F L U F F -
pangborn is loser
Post by t***@gmail.com
Family Rights Expert Avoids Trial By VALERIE KALFRIN
The Tampa Tribune
Published: July 15, 2008
TAMPA - An expert on family rights who works as a consultant in
domestic-violence cases will not be prosecuted regarding allegations
he shoved his estranged wife.
The Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office decided Friday not
to prosecute Dean Tong, 51, on charges of felony witness tampering
and misdemeanor domestic violence, public records show.
Prosecutors' records show the victim, Lily Marie Goodsell Tong,
would not cooperate.
Dean Tong said in a phone interview Monday that Lily Tong, who is
his estranged wife, falsely accused him of throwing her into a door
in January, causing bruises to her arm and leg.
He said he was "ecstatic" not to be prosecuted but had hoped to go
to trial to clear his name.
"The weight of the evidence was always on my side," Tong said. "It's
unfortunate the law and the system can be wielded as a weapon."
An attempt to contact Lily Tong on Monday was unsuccessful.
Dean Tong said that about a month before his January arrest he made
a settlement offer to his wife regarding a divorce, which she
Online court records show Lily Tong filed for divorce in March. The
outcome of the divorce is pending.
Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Expert 604 Brentwood Place Brandon,
FL 33511
813.657.4930, Office/Fax 813.417.5362, Mobile
http://www.abuse-excuse.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Tong
Contributing Writer to newswithviews.com and groundreport.com
Post by krp
The media in Florida is full this morning with reports of the
arrest of false allegations, self proclaimed "foremost expert" Dean
Tong for spouse abuse This is not the first arrest for Tong. It
has become something of a wildfire amongst feminists.
In my opinion Tong deserves what he gets. Feminists expect men to
rush to Dean's side. Not a wise move guys. Dean has a nasty history
we don't need to defend.
Me? Tong has been a big helper to David Moore my stalker so that
Tong could be the big go-to guy on false allegations, so I admit to
some enjoyment that Dean is in the soup. He put himself there. He
has spent years badmouthing me and everyone else he considered a
threat to his lofty status. So, pardon me if I shed no tears for
Tong. Tong as previously plea bargained away past charges. Given
the media attention to this case, that's not likely to happen
again. Tong believe past charges have been "expunged." Well plea
charges are "sort of" expunged. He's going to learn they never
really disappear.
There are those who will blindly support a man against a woman.
Just like there are feminists who support a woman against a man
blindly. I hope men's activists are smarter than that.
2017-07-28 23:48:00 UTC
Pangborn died in September 2015. I win. You lose. Old news!
