64,000 hoes affected by reduction in welfare. Single mothers. They Used to stay in coummunes- all suporting each other n saying how men shud be abused n fleeced. http:// www.itv.com/news/ 2016- 11-07/new- tough-benefits-cap- victimises-single-
(too old to reply)
Lorraine Mewha
2016-11-29 00:58:45 UTC
64,000 hoes affected by reduction in welfare. Single mothers. They Used to stay in coummunes- all suporting each other n saying how men shud be abused n fleeced.

http:// www.itv.com/news/ 2016- 11-07/new- tough-benefits-cap- victimises-single-
2016-12-01 19:22:10 UTC
Post by Lorraine Mewha
64,000 hoes affected by reduction in welfare. Single mothers. They
Used to stay in coummunes- all suporting each other n saying how men
shud be abused n fleeced.
http:// www.itv.com/news/ 2016- 11-07/new- tough-benefits-cap-
when did you move out . i win
Lorraine Mewha
2016-12-05 04:57:59 UTC
Told ya- I'm married t dat Dutch Afrikaner. She V skilled convener n has her own office in the local university. She convenes meetings with foreign lecturers... wot u girl do?- deflate wen u stop playin wit her? Rubber gemma? Lol
Lorraine Mewha
2016-12-05 05:02:39 UTC
N before dat I'd a girl from a French territory. Oh la la as a girl said to me. (in France)
Lorraine Mewha
2016-12-05 05:05:58 UTC
Any road- my mail,s gud 4 d group.
2017-07-26 12:20:02 UTC
Post by Lorraine Mewha
64,000 hoes affected by reduction in welfare. Single mothers. They Used to stay in coummunes- all suporting each other n saying how men shud be abused n fleeced.
http:// www.itv.com/news/ 2016- 11-07/new- tough-benefits-cap- victimises-single-
get a job u lazy hoes
